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Strength Club

What is Strength Club?

         Strength Club is a New Program at EBC to help with Muscle Building. This program will be in addition to our standard daily AfterBurn HIIT BootCamp Classes.  Strength Club will have limited spots per class (up to 16 spots per class). During our standard daily AfterBurn HIIT BootCamp Classes, we do have “Strength Days” but this class will focus on major lifts, ex. Chest Press, Squats, etc. Each class will be 1 hour of “intense” muscle stimulus.  Our 6 Week Challenges are designed to help with “Fat Loss”. Once you get closer to your Fat Loss Goals it is harder to accomplish. Learning to Build Muscle can help with continuing that Fat Loss journey which leads to a leaner looking you and a body that will burn more surplus calories the more muscle your body holds. How do you build more muscle? You lift Heavy weight! The Strength Club classes will be an hour long class focusing on building muscle. You will be able to book your Strength Club classes as you do with your standard daily AfterBurn HIIT BootCamp Classes.


How much is Strength Club?

         You can easily ‘add-on’ Strength Club to your current membership, whether you are paying monthly or weekly. The ‘add-on’ cost is $30 monthly or a Strength Club PunchCard for $150 (10x Classes). *Spots are limited! 35 spots ONLY!!


When is Strength Club?

         Strength Club will be held 2 days per week:

                   Tuesdays @ 10am & 7pm

                   Thursdays @ 7pm

                   *Not on Holidays


Why would I want to add Strength Club to my Membership?

Our 6 Week Challenges and our standard daily AfterBurn HIIT BootCamp Classes are designed to help with “Fat Loss and Muscle Gain”, but once you get closer to your Fat Loss Goals it is harder to accomplish. Learning to Build Muscle can help with continuing that Fat Loss journey which leads to a leaner looking you and a body that will burn more surplus calories the more muscle your body holds. How do you build more muscle? You lift Heavy weight! The Strength Club classes will be an hour long class focusing on building muscle.


First Class is Tuesday 11/28/23!!



Have questions about Strength Club or Membership?


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